East Africa Drought Watch


The East Africa Drought Watch is a near-real time system that uses Earth Observation and Weather information to monitor drought conditions in the East Africa region. It contain drought-relevant information such as maps of indicators derived from different data sources (e.g., precipitation measurements, satellite measurements, modelled soil moisture content). Different tools, like Graphs and Compare Layers, allow for displaying and analysing the information and drought reports give an overview of the situation in case of imminent droughts.

The system is a service developed as part of the Intra-ACP Climate Services Project in collaboration with the Drought Unit at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. The system is an adaptation of the European Drought Observatory (EDO) adapted to the conditions in the East Africa region The (JRC) currently operates two Drought Observatories (DO): the European Drought Observatory (EDO) and the Global Drought Observatory (GDO) . These platforms are based on a shared technical platform that implements the above components and other additional enhancements.

See also

To download a PDF version of this guide use East Africa Drought Watch Manual


Background information

User Guide

Data Manager Guide

Maintenance Guide